


Lina Lužytė

Fiction and documentary filmmaker who in many of her films portrays the anti-hero as a hero, thus rethinking the concepts of good and evil.

Mētra Saberova

Latvian queer feminist visual and performance artist and activist, co-founder and manager of the Baltic Drag King Collective, member of the Riga Pride team.

Ona Kotryna Dikavičiūtė

Semiotician, film curator, artistic director of the media education and research centre “Meno avilys”, programmer of Vilnius Documentary Film Festival, educator. Researches home cinema and the importance of personal stories in the context of collective memory.


Augustė Vickūnaitė

Her musical instrument is a tape recorder. She plays and creates sounds that reflect recordings outside the studio and the imperfections and failures of this old analogue technology. On September 4, she will accompany the film Michael.

Sasha Wilde

Sound, performance and multimedia artist with a penchant for forbidden mysteries. Their work intertwines themes of monstrosity, (trans)embodiment, eroticism and death. They will open the festival on September 13.

Vaivorykštės miuziklas

Uncovers the layers beneath the stereotypes and glitter, inviting you to witness the process. On September 15, at Kreivės see part of the sketch of the community-based musical and meet the team.