That feeling, when you’re not even born and people are already attaching labels to you and you’re stuck in a teeny-tiny box, suffocating like the Schrödinger’s cat.
Oh, but sometimes… sometimes we find ourselves in those moments when we break free and feel the fresh air filling in our lungs. Sometimes we can create our own recipes, making weird jams and mixing together all the berries of life. Sometimes we rip off the labels from each other and kiss the irritated skin so gently…
On the night of September 30th, we will dance our way into a revolution against norms and those damn boxes. May the gooseberries and raspberries merge into one another like our bodies and minds!
eiedma (live)
intymi revoliucija
September 30, 2022, 10.00 PM
Emma, A. Mickevičiaus g. 35, Kaunas