
The Lure

The Lure

Córki Dancingu

2015 / Poland / musical horror

Director: Agnieszka Smoczyńska
Cast: Michalina Olszanska, Marta Mazurek, Kinga Preis
Polish, with English and Lithuanian subtitles, 89 min

The film is chosen and presented by Ilona Vitkauskaitė, film critic.

Two Mermaids – Silver and Gold – find themselves in the middle of the world of Warsaw dance parties of the ‘80s, vibrant with music, glittering with neon lights and sparkling sequins. They join the musicians of the Figs and Dates band and overnight become the sensation of the capital’s nightlife. Immersed in love and budding passions they forget their true nature for a while. But one single broken heart is enough for the situation to slip out of control.


September 16, 2023, 8.30 PM
Skalvija, A. Goštauto g. 2, Vilnius

You can purchase tickets here or at the box office of “Skalvija”.
